Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Da Bears like to stuff the box

“About LT’s lack of production he attributes it to the Bears stuffing the box.” - Pam Oliver

"In his seventeenth season which means he's probably on the seventeenth hole."- Chris Berman
introducing Chris Mortensen

Emmitt Smith had to of called Tank Johnson, Tank Williams about 17 times.

“If that had been perfect it would have been a competition”- Dan Dierdorf, Wouldn't they all be Dan?

"James Jones has great hands at the point of the catch."- Daryl Johnston

"We’ve got all the action and emotion you can have with a 3-0 game”- Joe Buck, Smugness personified

Dick Stockton mispronounced several names - even calling the Buccaneers coach "Josh Gruden" at one point. "Baldie" doesn't even merit any criticism. REALLY disappointing!-

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