Thursday, August 2, 2007

NAACP and Reverend Al Sharpton on Michael Vick

An opinion from a FOR THE LOVE OF SPORTS reader, DD2:
Rev Al said that we shouldn't be in such a rush to Judge poor Michael Vick. Hummm, Is this a "race" issue? When did it become that?

Very, very true. This has become somewhat of a race issue among some groups such as the NAACP and people such as Reverend Al Sharpton. Earlier this week the NAACP and Reverend Al Sharpton urged people to reserve public opinion on Michael Vick until the legal process has played out. I do agree with this notion because people in the United States of America are innocent until proven guilty. My only problem with this is that where were these remarks from the same high ranking people to urge the public not to rush judgement when the three men were charged of rape in the Duke Lacrosse case. The same people, such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, condemned these three kids when they were charged, yet did not apologize when they were PROVEN innocent. Sounds like a Double Standard.


  1. Where was Al's "innocence until proven guilty" stand in the Tawana Brawley case? Of course Al has never apologized for that either.

  2. Did Al forget that 'innocent until proven guilty' also applied to the Tawana Brawley case?

  3. Al Sharpton did not say that. Al Sharpton wrote a letter with Russell Simmons and PETA condemning Michael Vick and asking his sponsors to drop him. The quote you are attributing to Sharpton came from R.L. White, the head of the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP, not anyone from the national NAACP. Get your facts straight.

  4. you are wrong... Al Sharpton did not condemn Michael Vick hahaha that is ridiculous... also... so the atlanta chapter of the NAACP doesn't count as the NAACP... hahahhahah... this comment is actually really funny and totally ignorant and blind... by the way the quote was not by the writer of this blog it was by another uninformed commentor like you
